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Rediscover that Child-like Sense of Wonder with David Kaye, Ph.D.

Enrich your mind, enrich your life.

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"He concluded with an expression of his admiration for my courage--that "supreme courage which prefers charges precisely against the favorites of the people.""

Friedrich Nietzsche

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What To Expect At Your Visit

Are you tired of “therapists” & “educators” who employ weak, inoffensive platitudes only to propagate popular moral prejudices and their own profit? Do you no longer desire an empty, relativistic soundboard telling you what you want to hear? Do you count yourself, instead, among the few who desire a challenge in order to unearth hard truths and the riches of the mind? If so, philosophy, that is to say, ‘the love of wisdom’, may be for you! Let us discover together, in a warm and friendly environment, a deeper sense of meaning about who you are, the world that surrounds you, and your place in it.

I earned my PhD in philosophy from The New School in 2016, my APPA certification in 2019, have been a philosophy professor since 2006, and have delivered papers at conferences the world over. My areas of expertise are Nietzsche, Ethics and Social/Political Philosophy, Ancient Greek Philosophy, and Modern, European philosophy. I approach philosophical counseling largely from a Nietzschean perspective.

Through a Socratic dialogue of sorts, I employ philosophers such as Nietzsche, Plato, Aristotle, Marx, and Machiavelli, to offer honest and unfashionable wisdom free, as Nietzsche put it, of 'moralic acid' for clients actually seeking depth from their therapy sessions, rather than a mere soundboard offering dime-store diagnoses and easy categorization.

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Services I Offer

With You Every Step of the Way


Philosophical Counseling for Both Individuals and Couples


Individual Counseling

In my individual sessions we will delve, not simply into that which the client believes to be the personal or intellectual issues at stake (the epiphenomena), but also into the unconscious, moral prejudices that underlie those words and deeds.  In so doing we will clarify both these issues and these presuppositions with the aid of numerous canonical figures, and liberate the client from the unhealthy prejudices and ideals which had theretofore perverted his or her mind.


Couples Counseling

My couples counseling sessions typically follow the same principles outlined for my individual sessions.  However, by seeking the kind of depth we seek in the individual sessions we will grant the couple in question a greater sense of understanding, not only of themselves and their world, but also of the fundamental issues at stake which have up until then served as an obstacle for the greatest degree of mutual understanding and love.

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